Large Circles In A Square


Large Circles In A Square, Crochet is a textile craft that uses a type of yarn to create fabric. Crochet has been around for centuries and it is believed to have originated in Europe. A crochet square is a type of crochet that is made up of squares, which are then joined together to form the final piece. Crochet squares are often used in blankets and afghans, but they can also be used as decorative pieces such as pillows or tablecloths. In this house we’re gonna be making some circles in square!!

Crochet is a popular hobby that has been around for centuries and is still going strong. Crochet squares are a great way to create your own projects, or add to existing ones. There are many different types of crochet squares, but they all follow the same basic pattern:


1) Chain an even number of stitches (usually an odd number)
2) Crochet in the back loop only
3) Add one stitch in each row until you have reached the desired size
4) Join with a slip stitch to the first chain and fasten off.

Large Circles In A Square


After checking the author’s new blanket from last week, you can check the tutorial of how to make the large circles and squares too. The website has a tutorial about them and about how to make them into a blanket. You start the same way as for a small circle and crochet 3 rounds as described on the website.


Round 4: ch 3, dc into joining stitch, dc into next 2 st, 2dc in next st, dc into next 2 st , repeat until end, join with a sl st into 3rd of initial 3ch.

Round 5: ch 3, dc into joining stitch, dc into next 3 st, 2dc in next st, dc into next 3 st, repeat until end, join with a sl st into 3rd of initial 3ch.

Round 6: ch 3, dc into joining stitch, dc into next 4 st, 2dc in next st, dc into next 4 st, repeat until end, join with a sl st into 3rd of initial 3ch.

Round 7: ch 3, dc into joining stitch, dc into next 5 st, 2dc in next st, dc into next 5 st, repeat until end, join with a sl st into 3rd of initial 3ch (84st)

Pattern/Tutorial/Images: Made By Do

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