Hello my loves! Looking for a pattern to crochet over the weekend? If you want to learn a new baby shoe, you’ve come to the right pattern. Owl Baby Booties is a model full of details, and in the pattern you will learn all of them. Crochet shoes are classic pieces, small and quick to make. They are the charm of many moms. In addition to beautiful, they make our little ones warm and comfortable.
The crochet pieces are very soft and malleable, they don’t pinch their little feet and don’t restrict movement. They are also much easier to put on than other shoes. In the pattern, you will learn to make two sizes. For babies 0-6 months and 6-12 months. You will see that the main change is made to the sole. That part that dictates the size of the shoe.
If you need a bigger size, change the sole at the beginning and follow the instructions for the rest of the pattern. When the colors, choose the ones that please you the most. You can do it with vibrant colors, make the entire shoe in the same color and highlight the details. There are many options and, with a little creativity, I’m sure you will make beautiful booties.

Image / Pattern / Tutorial: Hopeful Honey
Because they are small pieces, if you have yarns left over from another project, it’s a great option to use. Just make sure the yarn is comfortable to the touch, soft, so it doesn’t irritate our babies’ feet. To make the owl baby booties, you will need: crochet needle, yarn, tapestry/yarn needle and scissors. The materials are basic, the ones we use to crochet.
The pattern is available from Hopeful Honey. Being a hobby or profession, the important thing is not to stop practicing. You will see how you will evolve, improve and learn new points. We hope you like the patterns we bring here. It is a pleasure for us to share so many beautiful things. Tell us what you think and who you’re going to gift. Take some time over the weekend to make a pair. You will see how quick and easy it is. Rest, recharge, and crochet to relax!