Geometric Crochet Basket


Your home will look beautiful decorating with led tape. Using led strips is the newest lighting trend in the decorative world. They have the most varied voltages and colors. At Your Crochet Now you have access to the best for efficient and tasteful decoration. The led strip is the most modern version of the classic “flasher” and can be placed in cabinets. It is similar to a flexible ribbon, whose lighting is very discreet, serving as a special charm for the decoration of the environment. In this post we will see more about it and you can learn how to make a beautiful Geometric Crochet Basket.

The led strip can be integrated in any environment of the property, but they are much more striking if integrated between the ceiling and the walls of the house (in the crown molding). The energy consumption of these tapes is relatively low, which helps a lot. This product is perfect for those who want to make a more personalized project, as it is possible to cut the tape to the size you want and install it in any room in the house.


For example, you can use them on curtains in bedrooms and living rooms to add a modern touch. There are an incredible variety of places to use your led strip. You can also integrate the led strip on the headboard, in the drawers of your closet, in the niches, on the steps of the internal and external stairs of the house and a multitude of places.

Free Pattern Available: Geometric Crochet Basket

What really matters is to use creativity when decorating. In the kitchen you can apply both randomly on the ceiling, as on the cupboard door or on the countertops, for example. The truth is that there is no right or standard place for this. There are people who use it under the cabinets, others at the table. There is no rule for the use of the led strip. The led strip is also known as the classic indirect lighting.


That is, it does not serve to illuminate the entire environment, but it is capable of causing indirect light coming out of an object or behind furniture to indirectly illuminate the environment and give a little more modern touch to everything. Spend creativity when using the LED strips. The decoration of the children’s room is a great reference when it comes to using the led lights.

In them you can start putting creativity into practice, passing tapes on shelves, pictures, wardrobes, desks and many other places. Your balcony can also receive led lights. Only one should not stay in the uncovered parts, as these lights are sensitive and can burn with the incidence of rain, so pay attention to that.