Red White and Blue Jean Dress Crochet Pattern


The concept of sustainability is a necessity for nature and beautiful for design. Thinking of ways to reuse some objects, Pedro Guglielmi created Drops. Being focused on creating furniture for sporting goods, carrying out a wooden skateboard decoration. The handcrafted items use skateboard shapes, bicycle rims, oars, among other reused materials, and are hand painted. In this post we will see more about this subject and you can make a beautiful Red White and Blue Jean Dress Crochet Pattern.

The union, between sport and design, results in functional, sustainable and quality furniture. With joviality and innovation, Pedro creates items with skateboard shapes and other reused materials, giving them new forms of incredibly creative use, such as ergonomic chairs and hatboxes made with skateboard shapes and hangers developed with skate trucks or baseball bats.


The inspirations for their projects are artists like Piet Mondrian, Van Gogh and the German school Bahaus, which make them even more incredible. In addition, he also finds inspiration in his daily life, like his dog and some bands, like Pink Floid. Some reused materials that have turned into incredible items are exceptional ideas and serve as inspiration for decoration.

One of them is the paddle hat, inspired by Hawaiian oars. An exclusive item, which can be customized from a new item or from reused materials. For those who live or own a house on the beach, modern and functional nautical wood decor is a good idea to help decorate.



The feeder made from the shape of a skateboard was thought to make your pet’s food full of style, which has now become more cheerful and fun, in addition to combining well with the decor. In the case of using reused materials, always pay attention to sanding well before painting the object.

The chair made from skateboard shapes is ergonomic and resistant, which is incredibly great. As it is an atypical piece of furniture, it will impress your guests with beauty and comfort, in addition to enriching the wooden decoration making it much more beautiful.

Shelves and shelves made from shape are a great way to enjoy that skateboard that you no longer use, in your decor, for example. If you like sports, decor with wood and reused materials or with a new function, take advantage of these inspirations and transform your objects into new decorative and very functional items as well.


Access the free pattern here:  Red White and Blue Jean Dress Crochet Pattern